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Webinar Video:
Art of Articulation: An Introduction
Watch the video from this Scott August webinar.
Has your playing begun to sound the same? Wish you could add more life to your playing? This webinar video will help you make your music more exciting and varied.
Want to add more variety to your NAF playing? In this webinar video we will take an introductory look at articulation and how it can spice up your playing, making it more lively and engaging. We will also learn a couple new songs and incorporate one very basic embellishment, from The Complete Guide to the Native American Style Flute, 3rd Edition.

This webinar video is part of a series to use The Complete Guide to the Native American Style Flute, 3rd Edition, as a text and launching pad. This series focuses on finger work, breath work, learning songs, and getting familiar with non-pentatonic notes.
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