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Webinar Video:
Tricky Bits - Rhythm Work - Exploring a New Song
Have you ever gotten stuck on a musical passage? You know what to play but your fingers don’t always do what you want? If this has happened to you, then this webinar video is for you!
In this webinar video we will look a few ways to be more flexible and creative with how you approach the hard parts. We will then look at some simple rhythms and work through them. Finally we will look at a song from The Complete Guide to the Native American Style Flute, 3rd Edition, to help you get started on playing it comfortably.

This webinar video is the first of a series to use The Complete Guide to the Native American Style Flute, 3rd Edition as a text and launching pad. This series focuses on finger work, breath work, learning songs and getting familiar with non-pentatonic notes.
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Webinar #1 Tricky Bits - $10.00
Total Time: 1 hour 12 minutes
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